For the very first time i'll be reviewing about diaper for mothers and mother-to-be out there!
I'll help you to be aware on what diaper brand is the best and yet affordable. :)
As i am just discovering the mother world "before" i am very hesitant to use diapers that i think cheap. I am the kind of person that will believe in advertisement easily and also the kind of person that strongly believes that expensive products are the best!
The first diaper we got an experienced is Prokids Diaper. As my little boy is literally little the diapers are wasted as we always use it because it doesn't fit him well though the size says small. It's leaking up to the bed cover. . :(
Hell i can't wait to buy new diaper again after the incident!
We tried Huggies Diaper. Expensive. and yes it also leaks. My baby got U.T.I also. I don't know why but my pedia told me that U.T.I came from diapers "sometimes."
And then i tried Pampers Diaper given by my o.b's secretary. And hell yeah it's a good choice because it does fit my baby well! Size small also. No leak! Good fit! Expensive! that's what i'm trying to tell you. i believe in great price,great performance!lol
And then my sister introduce me to EQ Diaper..So far so good.
And for my final review and choice
I recommend you to use EQ Diaper! :)
because of the following:
-good fit
-many size preference depending on the size and weight
-no leak
-has wetness indicator (you know when you need to change the diaper)
-super absorbent
-no need to change diaper every minute
-no diaper rash
why i did not choose Pampers though they say that it's the leading brand:
i believe in great price,great performance right? I can't say any other flaw on the product at first because it stays fit, no leak, no diaper rash and comfortable as i can see and yet i found the products down side.
The down side is that it is easily loaded up.
Yes,you read it right. the advertisement is so not true!
They say that you don't need to change diapers compared to any other brand and yet it's not not not true.
EQ Diaper is very affordable and yet it also helps to save money.
While Pampers is expensive and then you need to buy and changed diapers every time.
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